Travis and Kathy at Dun Aengus on Inis Mor
Travis and Kathy Nelson are writers, artists and podcasters with a passion for Ireland and Irish travel. After their first trip to Ireland with friends in September of 2002, they immediately began planning to return and have made several other visits to Ireland since. They plan to continue traveling the emerald isle, meeting its people and photographing its historic and natural wonders. Travis and Kathy are always looking for new, unique or out of the way attractions to see, new walking trails to hike, and new friends to make along the way.

Travis crawls through the souterrain at Knowth (courtesy Lisa Marten)
Travis has been working as a software engineer at a Boise-based semiconductor manufacturer since 1996. He has a great interest in medieval history (which he shares with Kathy) and medieval art. He writes poetry and is currently working on several science fiction and fantasy short stories and novels. Travis enjoys working in many media, including metal, wood and glass, and he is an avid photographer. Travis is primarily responsible for the technical side of things, podcast editing, webpage design, etc.

Kathy at Connor Pass (Courtesy Lisa Marten)
Kathy earned her degree in television production from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Kathy writes poetry, blogs regularly, and co-leads a local writing group with Travis. Kathy enjoys working in clay and glass (mosaic), and shares Travis’ love for photography. Kathy is an expert Internet researcher, loves trip planning and regularly scours the internet for new things to see, and new places to go, as well as finding new and interesting news stories to share with our listeners on Twitter.

Sketching at Glendalough (Courtesy Lisa Marten)
Travis and Kathy continue to dream of someday owning a home in Ireland and being able to spend even more time in this country that has come to be their home away from home. You can follow Kathy on her personal twitter account (to find out what else interests her, besides Ireland) at http://twitter.com/Kathy_SixEight. You can follow Travis on twitter (where he talks mostly about more geeky topics, less about Ireland) at http://twitter.com/TD_Nelson.